Our Work



  • • Design
  • • Environmental
  • • Planning

Air Carrier Ramp Reconstruction - Phase I

Watertown, SD
This project included Phase I reconstruction of the Air Carrier Ramp (±480’ x 140’). This work included removal of existing asphalt and concrete surfacing, grading, disposal of excess material, salvaged asphalt/concrete material, subbase course, crushed aggregate base course, PCC paving, pavement marking, topsoiling, and seeding.

Revenue Producing T-Hangars

Wagner, SD
The project included construction of 4 unit t-hangar grading, aggregate base course, PCC pavement, topsoiling, and seeding.

Revenue Producing Hangar

Onida, SD
Project included construction of a revenue producing 3-unit hangar taxiway and hangar area grading, installation of chain link gates/fencing, topsoiling, seeding, and fertilizing.


Apron Reconstruction

Brookings, SD
This project included the reconstruction of the general aviation apron (±15,100 SY), hangar taxilane (±475' x 35'), access road (±160' x 35'), and GA apron expansion (±180' x 35').

Apron Expansion Phase II

Winner, SD
Project consisted of the lower apron expansion on the southeast side at 100' x 200'. Work included grading, subbase course, aggregate base course, underdrain piping, PCC paving, pavement marking, topsoiling, seeding, and aircraft tie-downs.

Runway 12/30 Reconstruction

Wessington Springs, SD
Project included reconstruction of Runway 12/30 (3,600' x 60') and connector taxiway (±240' x 35'). Word included full depth reclamation, grading, remove and relay blended material, subbase course, aggregate base course, underdrain piping, HMA paving, pavement marking, topsoiling, and seeding.


ABR Master Plan & Airport Layout Plan

Aberdeen, SD
Project included development of a 20 year plan for the airport. Future alternatives include runway extension, cargo ramp expansion, ag spray taxilane expansion, SRE building expansion, GA hangar taxilane expansion.

Environmental Assessment

Faulkton, SD
The Environmental Assessment was developed to determine the impacts of the proposed runway reconstruction, widening, and extension; GPS instrument approach development; and land acquisition.

Runway 16/34 Reconstruction

Sisseton, SD
Project included the reconstruction of Runway 16/34 (3,400'x60'), Connector Taxiway (±125'x35'), and both Runway Turnarounds.


Apron Reconstruction

Faulkton, SD
Project included reconstruction of the general aviation apron. Work included grading, disposal of excess material, subbase course, aggregate base course, HMA paving, underdrain piping, aircraft tie-downs, pavement marking, topsoiling, and seeding.

Revenue Producing T-Hangar

Sturgis, SD
Project included construction of a 6-Unit T-Hangar, approach pavement, hangar taxilane concrete radius pavements, reconstruction of existing hangar taxilanes, and paving the access road.

Automated Weather Observing Station

Britton, SD
Project included installation of a new AWOS III-P and construction of access road. Associated work included conduit power and data cabling, trenching and backfilling, directional boring, grading, geotextile separator fabric, gravel surfacing, topsoiling, and seeding.


Wildlife Fence

Redfield, SD
The project shall include the construction of wildlife fence. The construction work includes installation of a perimeter wildlife fence with 8' woven wire fence with four strands of high tensile wire and removal of existing barb wire fence.

GA Terminal/Revenue Producing Hangar

Platte, SD
This project shall include construction of a revenue producing hangar/general aviation terminal building. The construction work includes grading, aggregate base course, PCC pavement, topsoiling, and seeding.

Taxiway Geometry Improvements

Aberdeen, SD
Project shall include reconstruction of Taxiway D (±740' x 50'), construction of Taxiway D1 (±350' x 50'), reconstruction/realignment of Taxiway B (320' x 50'), and closure of Taxiway C (Taxiway D to Runway 13/31).


Revenue Producing T-Hangar

Webster, SD
Project shall include construction of 4-Unit T-Hangar, grading, aggregate base course, PCC pavement, topsoiling, and seeding.

Turnaround Taxiway Construction

DeSmet, SD
Project shall include construction of turnarounds on each end of Runway 15/33. Work includes grading, disposal of excess material, subbase course, aggregate base course, asphalt paving, marking, topsoiling, and seeding.

Runway 13/31 Reconstruction

Clark County, SD
Project shall consist of the reconstruction/rehabilitation of Runway 13/31 (60' x 3700'). Work shall include milling the existing asphalt pavement and base course, excavation, subbase, base course, asphalt pavement, underdrain, marking, topsoiling, seeding, and fertilizing.


Environmental Assessment

Flandreau, SD
The Environmental Assessment will be developed to determine impacts from the proposed project: shift and reorient Runway, connector taxiway construction, partial parallel taxiway construction, development of GPS approach procedures, perimeter fencing, lighting, and relocating the windcone and beacon

Runway 13/31 Reconstruction

Gregory, SD
Project shall include reconstruction of Runway 13/31 (60' x ±3,800'), connector taxiway, and addition of a turnaround on the 13 end.

Environmental Documentation

Lincoln County, SD
Project included on-site wetland delineation, cultural survey, and categorical exclusion for purchase of land for hangar area expansion.


Airport Layout Plan

Lisbon, ND
Project included development of a 20 year plan for the airport. Future alternatives include runway widening, apron expansion, cargo ramp expansion, ag spray taxilane expansion, GA hangar taxilane expansion.

Previous Work

  • • Access Road & Parking Lot (Mitchell)
  • • Airport Layout Plan (Rosebud Sioux Tribal)
  • • Apron & Taxilane Expansion (Platte)
  • • Apron Expansion Phase I (Winner)
  • • Apron Expansion Phase II (Gregory)
  • • Apron Improvements (Vermillion, SD)
  • • Apron Reconstruction (Hoven, SD)
  • • Apron Reconstruction/Expansion (Milbank)
  • • Apron and Hangar Taxilane Expansion (Flandreau)
  • • Environmental Assessment & ALP (Wagner)
  • • Environmental Assessment (Aberdeen)
  • • Environmental Assessment (Onida)
  • • Environmental Assessment (Sisseton)
  • • FBO Ramp Reconstruction (Watertown)
  • • Fuel System (Gregory)
  • • Fuel System (Parkston)
  • • Fuel System w/Site Improvements (Onida)
  • • Hangar Area Expansion (Winner)
  • • Hangar Taxilane Expansion (Britton)
  • • Hangar Taxilane Expansion (Gregory, SD)
  • • Hangar Taxilane Improvements (Faulkton)
  • • Hangar Taxilane Improvements (Onida)
  • • Hanger Taxilane Reconstruction (Faulkton)
  • • Land Acquisition (Gregory)
  • • Lighting Improvements (McLaughlin)
  • • Lighting Improvements (Webster)
  • • Master Plan Update (Brookings)
  • • Master Plan Update/Airport Layout Plan (Aberdeen)
  • • New Airport Design and Construction (Rosebud)
  • • New Hangar (Gregory)
  • • New SRE Building (Mitchell)
  • • New Terminal and Apron (Aberdeen)
  • • Parallel Taxiway & Fuel System (Vermillion)
  • • Parallel Taxiway “C” (Watertown)
  • • Passenger Boarding Bridge (Aberdeen, SD)
  • • Pavement Rehabilitation (Various Airports 2001-2010)
  • • Rapid City Region Layout Plan
  • • Reconstruction Apron and Taxiway (Britton)
  • • Revenue Producing Hangar (DeSmet)
  • • Revenue Producing Hangar (Mobridge)
  • • Runway 12/30 Reconstruction (Mitchell)
  • • Runway 12/30 Reconstruction (Watertown)
  • • Runway 8/26 Reconstruction (Wagner)
  • • Runway Extension (Winner)
  • • Runway Realignment (Brookings)
  • • Runway Realignment (Brookings)
  • • Runway Reconstruction (Clark County)
  • • Runway Reconstruction (Hoven)
  • • Runway Reconstruction (Miller)
  • • Runway Reconstruction (Platte)
  • • Runway Reconstruction (Wilder Field, De Smet)
  • • SD-DOT 2012 Pavement Rehab
  • • Snow Removal Equipment Building (Flandreau)
  • • Snow Removal Equipment Building (McLaughlin)
  • • Taxilane & Hardstand Improvements (DeSmet, SD) 2017 Pavement Maintenance (State of South Dakota)
  • • Taxiway 'C' Improvements (Aberdeen, SD)
  • • Taxiway “D” Reconstruction (Aberdeen)
  • • Terminal Renovation (Aberdeen)
  • • Wildlife Fence Improvements (Brookings)